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Wellbeing For Life


Kalpee Howard

Kalpee runs Living Well Unlocked. She is a science-based communicator and runs health and nutrition workshops for the community and workplace.

With her background as a family doctor and medical educator in the UK for 19 years and with post graduate qualifications in nutritional medicine whilst living in the NL, she is well equipped at looking behind the never-ending headlines at the under-lying claims and getting to what’s really relevant on a range of topics from sleep to the menopause, from dementia to running practical eating well courses. Her goal is to empower people with the knowledge and understanding so they are better able to make the right choices about their health and lifestyles in an approachable, accessible manner. 

Kalpee Howard

Let's Talk Menopause


Thursday 6th & 13th February


10:45 -13.00



As expats we tend to ignore our own health and well-being, perhaps because we have learned to put our families first or because of the language barrier, we end up putting ourselves last or on hold. Half the population will go through the menopause and yet there is still such a taboo about even mentioning the name and myths about what it actually is.

The aim of this course is to learn all about the menopause and how to flourish during and beyond it in a small, intimate group setting. The first and second parts are combined now and are knowledgebase classes. The final part of the workshop is the practical lunchclub will be held in a participant’s home!


Part 1and 2. Let’s Talk Menopause (Thursday February 6th  10.45-13.00 at ABF)

Menopause can happen earlier than you think from your early 40s and it isn’t just hot flushes. It can affect your sleep to your mood, your heart to your bones. Kalpee looks at ways to help manage the short- and long-term consequences of menopause with lifestyle, alternative and medical options.

The focus is to make sure you know what to expect with the menopause in a non-threatening,

informal setting. With knowledge comes empowerment and the ability to be prepared and be proactive if necessary.

Part 2. Let’s Eat to Beat the Menopause (Thursday February 13th  11.00-13.00 at a participant’s home TBC)

A lunch club with a difference.

From every day recipes that you can eat to manage the menopause which Kalpee gives out the week before, meet at one of the participants’ kitchen, eat and discuss the food that you have cooked, after which Kalpee talks about what foods, nutrients and dietary patterns can help manage the symptoms of menopause.

The focus is on enjoying tasty foods based on the latest scientific evidence that are not only good for the menopause, but are also every day foods that work for the family too.

The second part of the workshop will be held in a participant’s home around a kitchen table.

Dates: Thursday February 6th  and 13th  2020

Time: 11.00-13.00

Location: Part 1 and 2 combined at ABF and Part 3 in a participant’s home tbc

Cost: €110 inc btw

Instructor Name: Kalpee Howard

For more information about the course please contact me at

Sleep well & what to do when you can't

Living well Thriving Life Sleep well Cou


4th, 11th & 18th Feb And 3rd March


18:45 - 20:45





Sleep is the foundation of our busy modern-day lives, yet we are getting less and less of it.

With 2/3rds of us not getting enough, we are facing a sleep loss epidemic. We need sleep to be productive, but we also need sleep for our long term mental and physical health. Sleep is vital in reducing our risk of many of today’s illnesses from dementia to cancer, heart disease to depression.

Kalpee Howard, a former UK medical doctor and now science communicator and mindfulness teacher Berit Lewis have joined forces to provide a unique multidisciplinary 4-week course on exploring different ways to improve your sleep.

This is a pilot course based on the latest scientific evidence and will be given at a reduced rate in return for feedback

Our aim is firstly to help you understand the key science-based facts about sleep, what is sleep and why do we need to sleep. We look at key areas such as lifestyle, our surroundings and explore changes that you can make to sleep well.

We also look at ways to deal with those sleepless moments in the middle of the night and how to manage those negative thoughts and emotions using mindfulness techniques.

We will teach you how to focus on the body and train the mind to accept rather than resist the thoughts and feelings that keep you awake, to help you change your relationship with the thoughts that keep you awake.

There is no magic cure, no one size fits all, but we truly believe that we can facilitate your sleep well journey.

Dates: 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings starting and 4th, 11th,18 Feb and 3rd March 2020

Time: 18.45-20.45

Location: ASH

Instructor Names: Berit Lewis and Kalpee Howard

Cost: €200 including btw

For more information about the course please contact:


Healthy Mind Healthy Brain

How to future proof yourself from stress & dementia

Living well Healthy mind course descript


31st January, 7th & 14th February


11:00 - 13:00



Sarah Haug and Kalpee Howard have developed this 3-part course using their combined expertise in psychology, yoga therapy, evidence-based science research and nutritional medicine to prevent or mitigate the effects of stress on the brain and ways to reduce our risk of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s. Both stress and dementia are a major and growing health problem all over the world.
Part 1 will be knowledge based looking at the risk factors for both stress and dementia, concentrating on ways to reduce both with simple changes. Sarah will look at the myths and realities behind ways to protect our mental health. There is currently no cure for dementia. However, Kalpee will concentrate on simple lifestyle measures that can be taken in 40s, 50s and 60s that can mitigate our risk of dementia.
Part 2. Sarah will concentrate on how to relax our nervous system, using a multidisciplinary practical approach to relax both the mind and body.
Part 3. A lunch club with a difference!
Kalpee looks beyond the hype to bring you reliable, up to date evidence-based practical ways to change your diet to improve your mood and reduce your risk of dementia. Kalpee will have given out simple recipes the week before for you to make ready for this week so that we can put all the theory into practice and eat. She will then talk about the foods and dietary patterns most likely to lower your risk of dementia and improve your mood, enabling you to adapt your own favourite dishes.


Dates: 3 consecutive Fridays Jan 31, Feb 7 and 14th 2020

Times: 11.00-13.00

Location: Wassenaar tbc

Cost €130

Instructor names: Kalpee Howard and Sarah Haug

For more information about the courses please contact Kalpee at


Libby Banfield, Silpa Jethwa, Shelly Dhaliwal

Soar With Us

Our joint story started when we all said “Yes’ to the opportunity to do a Self Defense Instructor Qualification in the UK.  We can tell you our own individual stories of how we each got to this point when we meet face to face- but for some amazing co-incidence we were all ready, courageous enough and perhaps just a little mad enough to fly to the UK for an intensive course – about which we knew very little.

With some trepidation and a little giddiness, two Brits, an American and a Norwegian knocked politely on the door of the training facility only to be greeted by the biggest and most intimidating person we had ever seen.  In that moment we all thought the same ‘Oh S**T – what have we signed up for?’

As it turned out the big burly bloke was actually a gentle giant who has since become a friend and business partner.  We all passed our Self Defense Instructor Qualification with flying colours and most importantly we learned a whole lot about each other and ourselves.

We saw in each other wonderous strengths, talents and determination.  We learned together, we laughed together, we cried together and each morning strategized on where we would eat together! (The highlight of our day that kept us all going)

The intensity of the training stripped away any of our own artifice, we were being ourselves, we realised we loved discovering for ourselves that we could do something pretty challenging and we thrived from the fact we were doing it together.  We were proud of each other and ourselves.  We had made a bold decision – made a bold move and were having a ball!

We saw possibilities in each other and somehow therefore in ourselves as well.  We shared our fears and prised out of each other our hopes and dreams.  

So, the dinner conversations and quiet time ruminations led us to ponder – ‘How can we replicate this? How can we spread this positivity? How can we contribute to a thriving community?’. What was the recipe to flourish?

We had a vision:

Be yourself, move forward, rise together

Be – Move – Rise

And thus ‘Soar With Us’ was formed – with our mission:

We welcome you to discover your strengths and realise possibility in a supportive and thriving community, through a variety of trainings, courses and events – led by women for women.

We specialize in personal safety & self defense, fitness, health & wellbeing and adventure.  

It was a bizarre chain of events – both natural and supernatural – that brought us together and we are continuously amazed at how the path unfolds before us.  

Looking back, the seeds of our venture were sewn long ago in our joint values.  By chance we were all in Wassenaar at the same moment and a time will come that we each leave Wassenaar – indeed one of us has already relocated to Dubai.  We see this as a personal loss but also an opportunity to take this idea global.  To be part of a global network of thriving women. 

Eat Well Course



29th January, 5th, 12th, 19th February


11.00 - 13.00



In collaboration with Kalpee Howard

The idea behind this 4-week course is to provide practical help and support to people wishing to ‘eat well.’ Each week we spend 20-30 minutes discussing a food related topic and then the rest of time discussing and eating foods we cook from recipes we provide the previous week.

All the recipes we choose are healthy… this means they are packed full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibre… and the vast majority happen to be vegetarian. The central idea is to broaden your food choices and for you to experiment with things that perhaps you haven’t cooked with before.  This is not high end – high time investment cooking – just every day meals for a family that you can whip up mid-week.  The focus is on enjoying genuinely tasty foods that are good for you.

Here is a sample of topics we may cover over the 4 weeks:

  • What Eating Well means and looks like

  • Breakfasts

  • Sprouting and Salads with Punch

  • Veggie Classics

  • Pulses

  • Grains

  • Sweet snacks

  • Veggie Proteins

  • Reading a nutritional label

We also end up having conversations about eating to lower cholesterol, managing vegetarianism in the family, how to eat well and lose fat etc etc. There is plenty of time and opportunity to tailor the programme for your needs.

Early Bird Fitness



06:45 - 07:45am



8 week punch as you go course


Every Tuesday except ASH holidays

Personal Safety & Self Defense - Women Beginners

2 part course - 

Part 1 (3 hrs)

28th January

Part 2 (3 hrs)

04th February 


AM / PM sessions available






This course is specifically designed for women of all levels of fitness and ability. The course includes both theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques. You will learn how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes: 

  • reality based personal safety & self defense theory

  • types and methods of attacks and risk assessment

  • how to respond to an attack using verbal commands and psychology-fear control

  • stages of violent attacks

  • self defense techniques – fighting at a distance, close quarter combat skills, physiology

The course is fun, empowering, and challenging.

Personal Safety & Self Defense - Women Beginners

1 day course



11th February


09:00 - 15:00



This course is specifically designed for women of all levels of fitness and ability. The course includes both theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques. You will learn how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes: 

  • reality based personal safety & self defense theory

  • types and methods of attacks and risk assessment

  • how to respond to an attack using verbal commands and psychology-fear control

  • stages of violent attacks

  • self defense techniques – fighting at a distance, close quarter combat skills, physiology

Personal Safety & Self Defense - Women Intermediate

1 day course



3rd March


09:00 - 15:00



This course is specifically designed for women with all levels of fitness and ability who have previously taken the beginners workshop. The intermediate course builds upon the theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques.  You will learn more advanced techniques on how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes: 

  • refresh beginner skills

  • knife attacks

  • real life scenario drills

  • intermediate self defense techniques

The course is fun, empowering, and challenging.

Travel & Personal Safety



4th & 11th March


11.00 - 12:30pm



Do you enjoy travelling and exploring new places?  Many of us are lucky enough to travel frequently, sometimes with work, sometimes with our family or friends and sometimes alone.  During this course, we introduce and discuss precautions everyone can take to lessen threats to our personal security and offer useful tips to increase your personal safety. The course includes both theoretical and practical elements which are applicable to all travellers.   

 The content includes:

  • Before You Go - Planning & Preparation

  • Personal Safety in Busy Areas - airports, train stations, tourist attractions 

  • Out and About - Tips and techniques (Theory & Practical)

  • Basic Self Defense:

    • personal space awareness

    • types and methods of attacks

    • self defense techniques 

  • What to do after an incident

Personal Safety & Self Defense - Parent & Teen



5th, 12th & 19th  February


15:15 - 17:15



This course encourages parents and teenagers to learn together. The course includes both theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques. You will learn how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes:

  • personal space awareness

  • safety rules

  • reality based personal safety & self defense theory

  • types and methods of attacks

  • how to respond to an attack using verbal commands and psychology-fear control

  • stages of violent attacks

  • self defense techniques – fighting at a distance, close-quarter combat skills, physiology

Personal Safety & Self Defense - Beginners



27th January, 3rd & 7th February


19:00 - 21:00



This course is specifically designed for all levels of fitness and ability the program is open to both adults and teens and the classes will be mixed. The course includes both theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques. You will learn how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes: 

  • reality based personal safety & self defense theory

  • types and methods of attacks and risk assessment

  • how to respond to an attack using verbal commands and psychology-fear control

  • stages of violent attacks

  • self defense techniques – fighting at a distance, close quarter combat skills, physiology

The course is fun, empowering, and challenging.


Personal Safety & Self Defense - Women Beginners



24th March


09:00 - 15:00



This course is specifically designed for women of all levels of fitness and ability. The course includes both theory and practical reality based personal safety and self defense concepts, strategies, and techniques. You will learn how to avoid, respond, and defend yourself in real world scenarios. The content includes: 

  • reality based personal safety & self defense theory

  • types and methods of attacks and risk assessment

  • how to respond to an attack using verbal commands and psychology-fear control

  • stages of violent attacks

  • self defense techniques – fighting at a distance, close quarter combat skills, physiology

The course is fun, empowering, and challenging.

Discover your strengths



12th & 19th February


11.00 - 12.30pm



Our Discover your strengths course is designed to help you discover your strengths and build on them to create more wellbeing in your everyday life.

Research shows that if we can spend most of our time using our signature strengths we are more likely to lead a more authentic and meaningful life.


We often think that to improve ourselves we should work on our weaknesses, but positive psychology focuses on what is going well to help us flourish throughout our lives.  You will consider questions such as “What are you good at? “, “What are your talents?”, “Are they skills or strengths?”, “Why does it matter?”

Soar With Us Fitness Membership

10 week term time membership



Come to as many classes as you wish for a weekly membership fee


10 week membership, classes run during ASH term time only




Women Only                             Mondays          Strength                0815-0915

Women Only                             Mondays          Boxing                   0930-1030

Men & Women Welcome          Tuesdays          Mixed                    0645-0745

Women Only                             Wednesdays    Boxing                   0815-0915

Women Only                             Wednesdays    Bootcamp             0930-1030

Women Only                             Fridays             Bootcamp             0815-0915

Women Only                             Friday               Strength                0930-1030




Linda Bosma-Malley

Hi, my name is Linda Bosma-Malley.

I am British married to a Dutchman with 3 grown up teenage children. I originally trained as a Nurse in the UK specializing in Pediatrics and now I am a registered and certified First aid Instructor qualified to teach and assess a full range of First aid courses. I have been teaching first aid for 12 years in and around the Hague at schools, daycare centers, sports clubs, guiding groups and more recently to social community groups, children and teenagers leaving home for the first time. 
I am passionate that everyone should know some first aid. I will give you the skills and confidence to learn and remember what to do when it really counts.

Soar with us
Linda Bosma - Malley

First Aid

Coming Soon!

Would you know what to do if someone had an accident or become seriously ill? Not sure? In just 3 hours you can learn what to do in the vital minutes whilst waiting for the emergency services to arrive. These simple to learn skills could save a life when needed, choking, CPR and using the AED machine, Recovery position, Cuts and Bruises, Burns and Scalds and much more.....
Sign up today for this first aid workshop. Given by a registered and certified instructor. All attendees receive an attendance certificate.

WFL events
  • Tue, 10 Mar
    10 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    10 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
  • Wed, 04 Mar
    04 Mar 2020, 11:00 – 12:30
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    04 Mar 2020, 11:00 – 12:30
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    A 2 week program 4th March 11th March
  • Tue, 03 Mar
    03 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 13:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    03 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 13:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    One day workshop 3rd March
  • Wed, 12 Feb
    12 Feb 2020, 11:00 – 12:30
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    12 Feb 2020, 11:00 – 12:30
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    A two week program, 11:00-12:30 12th February 19th February
  • Tue, 11 Feb
    11 Feb 2020, 09:00 – 15:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    11 Feb 2020, 09:00 – 15:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    One day workshop on the 11th February
  • Thu, 06 Feb
    06 Feb 2020, 10:45 – 13:00
    ABF, Ammonslaantje 1, 2241 BP Wassenaar, Netherlands
    06 Feb 2020, 10:45 – 13:00
    ABF, Ammonslaantje 1, 2241 BP Wassenaar, Netherlands
    2 week programme 6 & 13th February As expats we tend to ignore our own health and well-being, perhaps because we have learned to put our families first or because of the language barrier, we end up putting ourselves last or on hold.
  • Wed, 05 Feb
    05 Feb 2020, 15:15 – 17:15
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    05 Feb 2020, 15:15 – 17:15
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    This is a 3 week program, Wednesday's 15:15-17:15 05th February 12th February 19th February
  • Fri, 31 Jan
    Location is TBD
    31 Jan 2020, 11:00 – 13:00
    Location is TBD
    31 Jan 2020, 11:00 – 13:00
    Location is TBD
    How to future proof yourself from stress & dementia
  • Wed, 29 Jan
    Location is TBD
    29 Jan 2020, 11:00 – 13:00
    Location is TBD
    29 Jan 2020, 11:00 – 13:00
    Location is TBD
    This is a 4 week program 11-13:00 29th January 5th February 12th February 19th February
  • Wed, 29 Jan
    29 Jan 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    29 Jan 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
  • Tue, 28 Jan
    28 Jan 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    28 Jan 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    2 part course, with am/pm sessions available, both Part 1 & 2 must be booked together. Part 1 - 28th January book AM session 09.00-12.00 or book PM session 12:30-15:30 Part 2 - 04th February Book AM session 09:00-12:00 or book PM session 12:30-15:30
  • Tue, 28 Jan
    28 Jan 2020, 06:45 – 7:45
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    28 Jan 2020, 06:45 – 7:45
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    Program runs every Tuesday in ASH term time, start date flexible.
  • Mon, 27 Jan
    27 Jan 2020, 19:00 – 21:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    27 Jan 2020, 19:00 – 21:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    This is a three part program: 27/01/2020 03/02/2020 07/02/2020
  • Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    Time is TBD
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    Come to as many classes as you want with this 10 week membership, see program details for our weekly workout times.
  • Tue, 19 May
    19 May 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    19 May 2020, 09:00 – 12:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
  • Tue, 24 Mar
    24 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 15:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    24 Mar 2020, 09:00 – 15:00
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
  • Tue, 04 Feb
    04 Feb 2020, 18:45 – 20:45
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    04 Feb 2020, 18:45 – 20:45
    ABF, Rijksstraatweg 200, Wassenaar, Netherlands
    4 week programme 4th, 11th, 18th February and 3rd March 18:45 - 20:45
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