November 5, 2023
Upcoming PTO Events

Mon. Nov. 6, 08:45 – 11:00: Dutch Christmas Culture - Sinterklass, Traditions, and Christmas Markets - Join us to learn about one of The Netherlands' most beloved holiday traditions: Sinterklaas. You’ll discover how he came to be, holiday songs, the beloved shoe traditions, and of course hear about all of the unique seasonal treats. We will end with information about the variety of Christmas Markets. These are wonderful family outings with crafts, unique treats, and beautiful towns to explore. RSVP now

Wed. Nov. 15, 09:00 – 12:00: Sligro Tour - Leiden - Join us for a morning of shopping at Sligro. This fabulous "5-star" wholesale food store stocks more than 75,000 items such as food, beverages, sweets, and more. The specialist from each counter will let us sample some of their favorite delicacies and we will end with a meal prepared by the Sligro chef. RSVP now
ISSTs - This Week

ASH is hosting the ISST tournaments for JV Girls Volleyball and Varsity Boys Soccer. The Trojan Club (former
ly Boosters) is in need of volunteers to help with concession sales Nov. 9 - 11. Sign up now to help.
The Trojan Club is an ASH volunteer organization committed to enriching our athletic program. They provide cheerful hospitality during games, create community-building events & inspire school spirit.

The ASH PTO WINTER BAZAAR is less than 2 weeks away and we still have so many fun ways to get involved! Check out all of the opportunities here and sign up to help make the event a great success.
International Festival

The International Festival Committee is looking for volunteers for roles big and small. Join them for their next meeting on Tues., Nov. 7 at 09:00 in the Middle School Conference Room 1.19 (ASH Main Campus). To find out more about what help is needed, or to ask questions email ptointfestival@ash.nl.
Sustainability Corner

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it's time to start thinking about gifts. Check out some ways to wrap your holiday gifts that are more sustainable.
6 Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas to Try This Year - Furoshiki, kraft paper, gift bags, newspaper, gift boxes, glass jars
Did you know? Glitter and foil-covered cards and wrapping paper are non-recyclable and they can clog recycling machinery.