WHO: All current ASH badge-holders (parents and staff) are allowed to buy Trunk-or-Treating wristbands for the children in their household (and only their household). Only children need wristbands. Siblings who do not attend ASH are welcome to participate. All attending parents or unsupervised older children should bring their ASH badges to the event.
WHAT: Your family may attend as a participating car, or simply trick-or-treaters.
Cars: There are still slots open, so register today HERE. You decorate your trunk with a family-friendly theme, and we will provide you with candy to hand out. You are also permitted to bring your own additional candy. Your children will receive FREE wristbands to collect candy.
Trick-or-treaters: Purchase wristbands for your attending children NOW by clicking HERE. Each wristband costs €5, and funds go to support all PTO activities. Parents enter free. After purchase, the wristbands will be delivered in class to your oldest child. Wristbands will be not be available for sale at the event.
Food will be sold on site (cash only) by Pop's Diner and Bagel Alley.
WHERE: Trunk or Treat will be held in the parking lot of ASH Main Campus. Only registered "Trunk" cars may park in the lot. All other attendees are advised to walk, bike, or use public transportation.
WHEN: Saturday, October 30th, from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Put on your best costumes and get ready for a Halloween to remember!!!
Questions? Email the PTO at ptovp1@ash.nl. We can't wait to see you there!